Lakshmi Punati - Lewa Safari Marathon Adventure

Please support me running wild for Tusk at the Lewa Safari Marathon in the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya on June 29th 2024.

Lakshmi Punati

Fundraising as part of a team:BlackRock Team 2024

Amount Raised:

Target: $3,000
30 Donations

My story

Running has been a huge part of my life since i moved to New York in 2017. It's not just exercise anymore; it's a crucial part of who I am. I've taken on over 20 races, including the NYC Marathon 2019, where my running journey really took off. The story of how I got into signing up for races is funny. At work I met this girl name Kate, who shares my passion for running noticed my ridiculous miles on the threadmill and suggested the lottery to run the marathon. I agreed, partly because i wanted to do things out of my comfort zone and also i really wanted this girl to be my friend (LOL). Back then, running was a way for me to release stress from long hours at work and to kick-start my weight loss journey. But I started with smaller races and eventually got to the point where I thought, "Okay, I think I can survive this". It was PURE MAGIC!!! 

For the first time in my life, I am running for something more than myself and that is for this incredible organization that supports wide range of conservation projects. These initiatives have a significant impact on helping communities and raising awareness of the threats facing wildlife. I want to contribute and I need your support. Some reasons why I have chosen to support Tusk:

  • Over 40 endangered species benefit from Tusk's projects
  • Tusk has secured over 50 million hectares of landscape for wildlife
  • 79 projects are currently supported with Tusk generated funds
  • Tusk has invested over £11.1m in direct conservation activity



6/29/24, 5:25 PM



So proud of the woman you are and the woman you are becoming. You have made great strides this past year, you deserve every joyful step of this run.

6/27/24, 2:01 AM



Very proud of you and your dedication. Keep up the good work!!

6/24/24, 2:02 AM

Heather Barash


6/23/24, 5:14 PM



I’m so proud of your commitment to make a difference in the world. Be safe <3

6/15/24, 6:23 PM

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard

Marc & Heather Balizer
Ryan Welch
Kirsty & Kristin
Elizabeth Bill