EJ Runs Lewa 2024

Join me in making a difference at the Lewa Safari Marathon!

Elizabeth Bill

Fundraising as part of a team:BMS Group

Amount Raised:

Target: $5,000
28 Donations

My story

On Saturday, June 29th, 2024, I will be running 26.2 miles in the Lewa Safari Marathon. It's an extraordinary opportunity to help raise vital funds for Tusk to support a wide range of conservation projects across Kenya. This is the 25th anniversary year so participating is extra special.

I have chosen to support Tusk because:

  • Over 40 endangered species benefit from Tusk's projects
  • Tusk has secured over 50 million hectares of landscape for wildlife
  • 79 projects are currently supported with Tusk generated funds
  • Tusk has invested over £11.1m in direct conservation activity
  • And more than 10million + people benefit from Tusk's work

You can keep up with the latest news on social media with #TuskLewaSafariMarathon and visit the website www.lewasafarimarathon.com to find out more.

In addition to supporting Tusk, I am also running to support St. Baldrick's. St Baldrick's is a charity that supports research to find cures for childhood cancer. 

St. Baldrick's link: EJ Runs Africa | A St. Baldrick's Fundraiser (stbaldricks.org) 

Emily Fox


6/25/24, 9:58 PM

Jordi Jefferson


6/20/24, 1:29 PM

Hunter Rotchford


Good Luck! Have an amazing time while supporting a great cause!

6/20/24, 12:24 AM

Matthew Grossberg


6/19/24, 9:40 PM



Woo hoo go ej!!

6/19/24, 12:28 PM

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard

Marc & Heather Balizer
Ryan Welch
Kirsty & Kristin
Elizabeth Bill